Farenian Calendar

The Farenian calendar is the international standard for timekeeping, adopted by nearly every culture in Sylnor for legal and civilian use.


The Farenian Calendar is arranged as blocks of arbitrary length (eons), broken up into smaller and smaller subdivisions of defined length.


An eon is a unit of arbitrary length which breaks up the years into periods of cultural significance. These periods can last anywhere from as little as 30 years (as with E7, also called "The Great War") to as much as 2000 years (as with E1, also called "Prehistory"). Since the existence of a cultural shift is often only visible in hindsight, it is common for eons to be applied retroactively, with the start of the eon being declared as far as two decades prior and the previous eon being shorted. This can lead to issues where documents are dated as being from a year that no longer exists, such as Y440 E5, since in Y460 E5 the sixth eon was declared to have started twenty years prior, retroactively changing Y440 E5 to Y10 E6.

List of eons:




A day on Sylnor is defined by a single repetition of the sky's light/dark cycle. It is divided into two times, day and night, which are separated by nightfall (the sky darkening) and dayrise (the sky brightening).

Smaller units
