Elizabeth Hollens

Name Elizabeth Claudia Hollens
Aliases "The Green Owl"
Birth 4098 SE
Age 534 years
Race High Elf
Height 173 cm
Weight 50 kg
Skin Pale
Hair Black with grey streaks
Eyes Very dark brown

Elizabeth Hollens is a rouge political agent specializing in blackmail and espionage. She was an acolyte of Atheron before becoming an acolyte of Ket.

Personal life

Elizabeth Hollens was born to the Hollens family.


Physical Traits

Elizabeth is average height for an elven woman, making her taller than human women but shorter than most men of either race. She has long, curly black hair that is growing streaks of grey. She has a slim, androgynous figure. She often wears a satin emerald cloak over medium grey clothing, typically a button down shirt and vest with slacks.