Shining Stone Library

Shining Stone Library is a privately owned but publicly accessible library and museum in Tessendra. It is overseen by the Shining Stone Foundation and serves as a hub of scientific and ueniological research as well as one of the world's largest repositories of relics, books, and historical records.


Following the Red River War, Magund Cragrender used his fortune to purchase several buildings in the downtown shopping district. These were then renovated and interconnected to form the library's campus. He used his personal belongings as the initial collection when the building opened in 4409 SE. Shortly after the Shining Stone Foundation was established to collect donations and purchase other items to expand the library's collection. By 4458, it was the largest gathering of Yarsiln historical documents, and in 4580 it eclipsed Drydoss University to become the second largest collection of informational resources on Rynoth.

Notable Exhibits

Lifefruit Tree

Within the ueniological department there exists a bosavarill tree. It is the only one of its species known to have been planted artificially and survive to bear fruit. It was planted in 4493 by researchers working at the library. The exact process they used was kept as a guarded secret, but the use of a time manipulation spell is highly rumored.


SUTI (Shining Stone Ue Transducer Instalation) is the worlds largest ue transducer. It was completed in 4546. Its flywheel weighs 480 metric tons and its inertial stator is 100 feet wide. It is so large, the wave disks needed to be installed vertically. It generates power using a waterwheel in the Est. For the first few decades, SUTI was offline for long periods of time when gears in the stator differential would shatter under the immense torque.