Southern League

The Southern League, also called The League, is an intergovernmental organization founded in 4608 SE following the end of the Seven Wars. It was orchestrated by the Southern Alliance in an attempt to bring peace and strengthen the diplomatic bonds between the allied states.



The War of Light, the last of the Seven Wars, ended in 4607 with the signing of the Treaty of Achoron. This treaty forced the capitulation of the Vitruvian Alliance and, among other terms, required their enrollment in a pending governmental organization. Four months later, in Mal of 4608, the Southern League Charter was drafted and signed at the Fifth Goroth Convention. Of the thirteen nations bound by the Treaty of Achoron to join The League, ten sent delegates to ratify the charter. The other three—Medrin, Afina, and Sabredale—abstained, citing the conditions of the charter to be grossly unfair. All three signed the charter in the succeeding months under threat of military action.

The Rectification Period

Under the terms of the charter, the states of the former Vitruvian Alliance are not granted equal status in the League for the first 25 years. They are given the title "Acquired Nations".

The Future

On Mal 14th, 4633, all nations which signed the charter at the Fifth Goroth Convention will receive full member status and the Oath of Acquisition will be destroyed, releasing the Sigil of the Oath and returning mages back to their full power. The three nations which delayed their signing—Medrin, Afina, and Sabredale—will each have to wait until the date 25 years after they signed the treaty. Sabredale, the last nation to sign, will receive full member status on Corhut 8th.

While the hope is that this will alleviate the resentment Acquired Nations feel and bring peace to the land, many fear the collapse of The League as the Acquired Nations, now full members, withdraw, build up their military, and attack. Several nations with a strong culture of magic use are the biggest risk for retaliatory action following the destruction of the Oath.


The Compendium of Membership

The Southern League operates by following a body of law known as The Compendium of Membership. It contains a growing list of "covenants"—pieces of legislature approved by the Grand Council.

The Grand Council

The Grand Council is the legislative body for The League. They are responsible for drafting and approving covenants.

The Peacekeepers

The Peacekeepers are the police/military arm of The League. They serve to enforce compliance with The League's covenants among member nations and provide military deterrence against invasion from outside nations.

Acquired Nations

Acquired Nations are states which joined the Southern League by force. As subordinate nations, they have several restrictions placed on them:

The "Oath of Acquisition" is a series of restrictions on the use of magic by a nation's citizens. Magic was severely limited, both in strength and type. All mages were required to receive the Sigil of the Oath, a black symbol, typically applied on the back of the right hand, which interrupts a mage's ue if they try to cast any offensive spells. It also weakens their magic, preventing them from casting high levels spells. All mages trained during The Rectification Period were required to receive the Sigil before beginning training. Most mages caught without a sigil by a Peacekeeper are arrested and executed, though occasionally some have their lives spared and received other punishments through political favors or bribes.

The intent of these restrictions was to prevent the strengthening of the enemy's armies, preventing them from entering into another war. Many Acquired Nations see these terms as military occupation and fiercely resent them.